Why are we trialing this change?
The increase in patient numbers, almost 500 this year already, has resulted in significant pressure being put on phone lines between 8am and 9am. Almost 50% of daily calls to the practice are between this time. This has meant patients waiting longer to be connected or potentially having to call back into the queue the next day if no appointments are available. The practice would also like to support patients with a greater level of face to face appointments, which currently sit at 50%.
It is not expected that any more appointments will be made available overall, but that access to a GP or ANP will be made simpler, by reducing call wait times, and providing patients with more convenience to book ahead.
What is changing?
From Monday 16th September the following changes will be in place when patients call the practice.
8am to 9am: Prioritised only for patients who require on the day care.
9am to 6pm: All other calls including requests for routine appointments, prescriptions, test results and for patients who require on the day care
To support patients who do not require on the day care, but would like an appointment, the practice will open up appointments that can be made 4 weeks in advance. These will only be available to book when calling after 9am.
Our patient advisors have been briefed and will ask for DOB, and symptoms to ensure they can signpost patients to the most appropriate area for their care.
When will this happen?
The trial will commence from 16th September for 8 weeks.