How to obtain your Results
Blood Test Results
Our Doctors regularly review all the results and you will be contacted if there is anything that needs to be actioned or discussed urgently
Please note that if you have had a blood sample taken and you have a normal/satisfactory result we would not routinely contact you
If any action is required we would contact you within 10 working days.
Please ensure that your contact details are up to date.
Abnormal Results
The Doctors regularly review all the results and you will be contacted if there is anything that needs to be actioned or discussed urgently.
For non urgent abnormal results they will provide information to be passed on by the Nurse in a telephone appointment as outlined above or they may choose to contact you by phone or letter if the feel this is more appropriate.
If you wish to discuss your results further, then we strongly urge you to make an appointment or telephone appointment with the doctor who ordered the tests as they have already assessed you and understand your case.
If you are not available when the Nurse calls for your telephone appointment and there is no consent to leave a message they will write to you to inform you of the result or ask you to make a telephone appointment for your result.
If you have not received your results within 14 working days it is your responsibility to follow up and find out the results of your blood tests by contacting reception.
Please ensure that your contact details are up to date.
Obtaining other results (e.g. X-Rays, Scans)
Investigations Ordered by the Practice
If you have agreed with your doctor to have an investigation such as a scan or x-ray it is your responsibility to follow up and find out the results of your investigation by contacting reception.
On average tests can take 2-3 weeks to come back to the practice particularly if they have to be reported upon by a specialist so please do not call for the result of your investigation prior to then. Please be patient with our reception staff if we do not have the results available and be prepared to ring again or ring the hospital if you want more information.
The doctors regularly review all the results and you will be contacted if there is anything that needs to be actioned or discussed urgently.
Investigations Ordered by the Hospital
As a general rule, any investigations or tests ordered in hospitals or outpatient clinics will be sent to the Consultant or Nurse who ordered them and so any requests for such results should be directed to the hospital secretary.
Where you have been expressly told that they will be sent to the GP please note it is your responsibility to find out your result by following the procedure for obtaining results ordered by the Practice .
If the test was arranged by your hospital consultant
If your test has been carried out at a Clinic or Hospital please call the Clinic or Hospital for the result, as we cannot action tests which have been requested by other Clinicians outwith the practice. If the consultant’s secretary or colleague inform you they will send the results to your GP, explain that you want the results from the specialist who arranged them who is in by far the best place to give appropriate advice.
If you have not received your x-ray results within 14 working days it is your responsibility to follow up and find out the results of your tests by contacting reception (Monday-Friday after 9am)
Please note that we do have a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection. In this respect we will only give out results to the person they relate to unless that person has given prior permission for their release or if they are not capable of understanding them.
Information about your laboratory tests
For information on what your laboratory test results mean please visit Lab Tests Online.
All specimens must be provided in a suitable container and marked clearly with name, date of birth, date provided and reason for the specimen.
Failure to do so may mean that the test will need to be repeated – Please note that when bringing in a sample to the surgery, only samples in the correct container can be accepted. These are available from reception.