Register with us as a New Patient

How to Register

We welcome new patients. All our patients are registered with the Biggar Medical Practice and not with an individual doctor. If your details change at anytime you should inform us by completing the change of details form.

Acceptance on to the list is as at the discretion of the Doctor and we may ask you for proof of identity. (Please refer to our registration policy below and why we ask for this). Please note that your medical records may take several weeks to arrive at the Practice.

Practice Area

Click to enlarge map

The Practice boundary extends from Carmichael Visitor Centre in the West, Dunsyre in the North, Drumelzier to the East, and Tweedsmuir to the South. The Practice area is highlighted in the map shown below.

If you need any clarification please contact reception staff on 01899 220383, who will be happy to assist or click on the following link, where you will be able to enter your postcode to check if you are within our boundary

There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to register with your chosen GP, for example you may live too far away. If this is the case you will be required to choose another GP in your local area.

If you are residing in the practice area for less than three months and need to see a doctor you will need to register as a Temporary Resident using the link below. Temporary Services

Register online

Our online registration form will collect your details, a brief outline of your medical history and record your preferences. This information may be added to your record and will allow us to begin to provide you with medical services.

Download the Form

If you prefer you can download registration form, via NHS inform and upload to the practice on the form below. If you are unable to do this please contact the surgery for advice on how to register.

Once you have completed the form please upload the form to the practice. 

Register for Online Services

To book appointments and order a repeat prescription online you will need to complete a registration for online services form which can be completed from the link below.  

However, please note we cannot complete your registration for online services until we have received confirmation of your registration and your NHS Scotland Number (CHI Number).  This takes up to 5 days from submitting your registration forms.